Design & Engineering Services
Here at Beiler Hydraulics, we specialize in engineering, designing, and manufacturing custom-built hydraulic and pneumatic components, as well as machinery, for use in any industry or application.
We have an on-site engineering/design team capable of meeting your specific needs. We will consult and coordinate with your team to provide the best options for your specific application. We can re-engineer existing machinery or invent stand-alone turnkey systems that will boost productivity. Let us help you design, develop, and coordinate a cost-effective solution.

We specialize in designing and engineering:
- Cylinders
- Valve Stands
- Filter Skids
- Manifold Assemblies
- Automated Machinery
- Pneumatic Automation
- Programmable Logic
- Power Units
Case Study
Equipter RB4000
Roofing entrepreneur Aaron Beiler came to us with the idea of making a self-propelled motorized cart that would assist in roof removals by rising to roof level for collecting debris and also being able to dump when the cart needed to be emptied. We worked closely with Aaron and took his concept to completion. Today the Equipter RB4000 is sold to roofers all across the nation. Click here to visit